P-06-1212 Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all open water sites in Wales, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 05.11.21


1.We fully support the work being done by the water safety wales partnership & hope to continue working with them on future projects 


2. In all honesty no, we feel extremely disappointed by the response from Julie James AS/MS, she makes no mention of the issues we have raised other than at the beginning of the correspondence




A.could the chair of the committee please seek a response to the issues raised in our petition from the minister in charge of emergency response - Jane Hutt MS & the minister of education - Jeremy Miles MS


B. Can anybody else be involved in discussions relating to our petition prior to it being considered on Monday 15th ie Rospa, water safety wales etc? 


C. If a debate is to be scheduled could we please ask for advance notice of when & would we be able to attend or any other interested parties ie someone from rospa, water safety wales etc?


D. What can you do to strengthen land owners current duty? We feel at present land owners often only act following an accident or death, it shouldn't come to this. Maybe rospa could advise?




Marks story:


Mark was born on valentines day 2000, he is 1 of 6 children & a much loved & missed only Son, he was an extremely bright, funny, caring & gentle young man, an animal lover & an incredibly talented aspiring actor, having had parts as an extra in the hit series Wanderlust amongst other achievements 


Mark was at the reservoir with a number of his closest friends, many of whom were witness to the tragic events of that day


There were a number of attempts made to rescue Mark


A female friend managed to reach him & she attempted to get him to what she mistakenly thought was a rescue rope & it was shortly after this I believe she realised it wasn't & could hold him no longer & he went under! It took approx 2 hours to recover his body.


We whole heartedly believe had this actually of been a rescue rope or if there was equipment close by & Mark was pulled from the water there is a strong possibility Mark would still be alive today


There was no PRE that day & ultimately we believe this is why Mark died


It was 2 days before I was able to see Mark in the hospital mortuary & when I did I made him a promise that I would do all I could to ensure that what happened to him & tore apart our whole family & his friends couldn't happen to anyone else, this is the very reason we petitioned for such equipment to be made common place 


Thank you